Jumat, 30 September 2011

September (always) make me cry

Posted by Just Me at Jumat, September 30, 2011
Dear God,,

I think this is not 4 me,, because i think i can't survive here...

saya mmg harus mengintropeksi diri lbh banyak dan sering lagi...

ga tau mesti gimana lagi...
syukur,, hari ini adalah hari terakhir di September...smoga ga ad kejadian2 "aneh" lagi...

lagu yg diputer spnjng hari ini:

gue seneng sama komen:
top 5 reasons Puckleberry is better than Finchel.
1-He defends her when Santana said no ones likes her. Finn agreed with Santana when she was saying that stuff and when she insulted her clothes. (gw seneng ni sama cowo yg BISA ngebelain kya gini)
2-Puck chose her & Glee over football when Finn didnt.
3-Rachel is the only one allowed to call Puck Noah. (so sweet :) )
4-Finn only wants Rachel when shes not available and tries to change her while Puck likes her just as she is. (so sweet :) )
5-as Puck would say 'They are to Good Lookin' Jews, its natural.'

1 comments on "September (always) make me cry"

TUKANG CoLoNG on 30 September 2011 pukul 17.23 mengatakan...

bentar lagi 2012... moga semua ramalan buruk ga kejadian :(

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